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Jun 11, 2020
Ep. 5.10 Season Finale Q & A
As we close this season of the podcast and reflect on all of the unexpected twists and turns this season of life has brought us, I answer...

Apr 22, 2020
Ep. 5.6 Being Your Own Earth Advocate with Heather McDougall
Is caring for the earth a part of your self-care practice? Did you know it could be? Earth advocacy isn’t just using sustainable products...

Apr 10, 2020
Ep. 5.5 Using Astrology for Self-Care with Natha Campanella
When we think of Astrology, many of us think of daily horoscopes and comparing our sun signs with each other. I know I used to. In fact,...

Apr 2, 2020
Ep. 5.4 Simple Calming + Grounding Techniques
No matter what is going on around us, we can always come home to ourselves. Our body can be a safe space amongst the chaos and our breath...

Mar 20, 2020
Ep. 5.3 Caring for Yourself in Times of Crisis with Becca Shern
While self-care might be the last thing on your mind when you are in the middle of a crisis or you are in a season of demanding...

Mar 12, 2020
Ep. 5.2 How to Embrace Your Not-Awesome
In a world where we are always trying to put our best self forward, it can be really hard to show up for others and practice our own...

Jan 13, 2020
Healing Lessons from 2019 with Artist Nichole Rae
New year. New lessons. New growth. As with every turning of the season, the new year also brings in an opportunity to reflect and...

Dec 4, 2019
Ep. 4.10 Calm Your Holidays with Beth Kempton
This time of year can be very hard to navigate, so to help us move into this season with intention, joy, and healthy expectations, I chat...

Nov 20, 2019
Ep. 4.8 Molly Yeh on Enjoying the Work + Life Balancing Act
Life is a constant balancing act. Right when you feel like you’ve figured things out, another obstacle comes your way and you have to...

Nov 13, 2019
Ep. 4.7 Using Your Guilt For Good
Feeling guilty for taking time for yourself? This is one of the biggest hold-ups for people when it comes to anything self-care related....

Nov 5, 2019
Ep. 4.6 Follow the Joy with Sarah Von Bargen
What if your recipe for happiness was right under your nose? What if you are already living a joyful life, but you are too occupied with...

Oct 23, 2019
Ep. 4.5 Upcycling with Intention with Ashley Dedin Carlson
When it comes to ethical and sustainable consumerism, reusing and repurposing what is already here and what you already have is one of...

Oct 16, 2019
Ep. 4.4 Self-Care for Mental Health – Revisited
The topic of mental health is being talked about more than ever. The good news is that this means more solutions are being offered and...

Oct 9, 2019
Ep. 4.3 Realign Yourself with Yourself
Do you ever wonder how you got to where you are in life? Overwhelmed. Tired. So out of touch with yourself and your values. Or maybe how...

Sep 24, 2019
Ep. 4.1 Breaking the Twitch with Anthony Ongaro
How often Do you check your phone without thinking about it? Have you ever reached for just a handful of popcorn and before you know it,...

May 29, 2019
Ep. 3.9 Finding Your Freedom with Michelle Knight
Feeling free and fulfilled in life can sound like a distant, far off goal. And sometimes it can sound almost impossible. But with this...

Mar 22, 2019
Ep. 3.5 Joshua Becker on Simplifying with Families
Decluttering, simplifying, intentional living. All sounds like a great idea, right, but it can also seem daunting and overwhelming....

Feb 6, 2019
Ep. 3.1 Cait Flanders on Money Healing + Being a Mindful Consumer
How would your life be different if you had a healthier relationship with money? What if you were more intentional about what you brought...

Jan 1, 2019
Healing Lessons from 2018 with Artist Nichole Rae
Happy New Year! How have you been? Have you had some time to reflect on your year? How are you feeling on this first day of the year? Or...

Dec 4, 2018
Ep. 2.10 Megan Gilger on Slow Healing + Intentional Holidays
It’s the Season Two Finale! And to help us wrap up for 2018 and head into the holidays and new year happily and intentionally, I’ve...
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